News Choosing a SIL Provider

Supported Independent Living

Choosing a SIL Provider

Here are some things to ask of any SIL provider:

When selecting a Supported Independent Living provider, it is important to make an informed decision. Their support team will work alongside you closely, so it’s important to think things through, and ask them questions, such as:

Are you NDIS-registered?

This will help ensure they:

  • Screen their employees to make sure those accessing information about your life and providing your supports are people who are safe to be around.
  • Train their employees to make sure that you are not injured or put at risk due to their lack of training.
  • Supervise their employees to deal with any issues like turning up late, doing the wrong thing, or treating you in a way that is disrespectful.
  • Help you to navigate the NDIS space, including providing support and information for your NDIS plan and assisting you if your needs change.

What experience do you have?

Look for providers familiar with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to handle its complexities.

How do you personalise support?

Ask them how they will tailor their services and ensure they meet your specific needs and preferences.

Amount of flexibility around team?

See if they offer choices in selecting your support team and can adjust to your changing needs.

How do you cater to home preferences?

Check if they allow home tours and opportunities to meet potential housemates for compatibility.

What’s the quality of your housing?

Ensure they offer high-standard housing options.

Separate supports?

Choosing a SIL services provider that is independent of your Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) or housing provider will give you control and flexibility around your supports.

Opportunities to engage in activity?

Ask if they can assist you to participate in activities and learning experiences that you enjoy.

Chances to be involved in the home?

Check if the provider will encourage your participation in home management and that you’ll have an easy way to give feedback.

The Nextt team has been providing Supported Independent Living Services across Australia for many years – see more here


Supported Independent Living

Read time

2 minutes

Publish Date

November 26, 2024

Nextt’s registrations to provide services for government funding groups underscores our dedication as a trusted disability support provider.

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