
Enliven Community’s Community Cooperative Pilot Project Launches!

Nextt is thrilled to be one of the partners working with Enliven Community to support and launch their National Community Cooperative Pilot Project.

Nextt is thrilled to be one of the partners working with Enliven Community to support and launch their National Community Cooperative Pilot Project. This groundbreaking initiative marks an exciting milestone in Enliven Community’s efforts to empower people with disabilities and promote choice and control over the services they receive.

The Community Cooperative Model, developed by Enliven Community, addresses the need for individuals who share onsite supports to take charge of their support systems. Through this pilot project, Community Cooperatives have been established in nine locations across the country, encompassing both Supported Independent Living and apartment-style living environments.

The core purpose of the pilot project is to continuously enhance the Community Cooperative Model, develop empowering resources and materials for Cooperative members, increase service providers’ responsiveness and accountability, and ultimately share learnings with the wider Australian disability sector. This innovative, disruptive, and empowering model has the potential to revolutionise the way services are delivered.

We are proud to be one of five partners who are working with Enliven Community to deliver this project. In addition to Nextt, the partners include Healthscope, Life Without Barriers, Possability/Lifestyle Solutions, and Yooralla in this initiative. Enliven Community’s team of highly skilled and knowledgeable Independent Facilitators, who have extensive experience in the disability sector, are supporting the Community Cooperatives and ensuring the success of the project.

To maintain transparency and objectivity, Enliven Community have engaged La Trobe University as an independent evaluator to assess the effectiveness of the Community Cooperative Model within the pilot project. They have also established an Advisory Group comprising delivery partners Aruma and Scope Australia, ensuring strong governance and strategic oversight.

As the project progresses, Enliven will be sharing regular updates about the achievements of the project and the valuable insights gained from all participants. For more information about the pilot project, please visit Enliven Community’s website:

Nextt is very proud to be a part of this project and to help shape a future where people with disabilities have greater autonomy and control over their lives.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments from Nextt and Enliven Community!